Evidence-based claims management
Balancing empathy and effectiveness
Managing Leaves with expertise
Accurate, equitable and thorough
Managing Leaves with expertise
Accurate, equitable and thorough
Helping employees get their lives back on track
after workplace injury or illness

Companies who partner with Organizational Solutions are healthier, stronger and more resilient.

We're proven performers

Since 2003, Organizational Solutions Inc. has been helping companies manage the increasing cost and human impact of illness, injury, disability, absenteeism, and mental health problems in their workplaces.

Exceptional bench strength

Our Disability Managers are trained, experienced experts. Most are medical professionals too. All are dedicated to our overriding purpose: the right care, at the right time, for the right outcome.™

Agile, Responsible, and Dedicated

From responding to our Client's requests for COVID-19 absence management, to breakthroughs in mental health claims management, you can count on OSI, industry leaders for 20 years!



See the difference these two services can make: Cognability and Pharmacogenetics

Cognability™ is our unique approach to managing psychological distress.

A gradual return-to-work program, Cognability™ is a specialized blend of a psychological treatment program and a disability management program. Developed in conjunction with one of our valued partners, Cognability™ was designed to support employees struggling in their employment due to mental health challenges.

The program brings together the best of disability management and an evidence-based therapeutic approaches to counselling.

The program is built around: 

  • Identifying the symptoms of psychological distress
  • Conducting a thorough initial assessment of an individual’s challenges
  • Building a comprehensive treatment plan
  • Conducting supervised program with Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT)  and/or Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT)

The program is successfully used by our clients  to reduce time off work due to mental health challenges. Research shows an average 52% sustainable reduction in time off work after a relatively short treatment period.

Read more about the success of Cognability™ in managing workplace absence in this summary paper.

A simple Pharmacogenetics test can mean the difference between timely and sustainable recovery, and lingering symptoms.

Pharmacogenetics is delivering tremendous results in matching people up with the right prescription medications.

Just like everyone’s DNA is unique, so is our reaction to certain drugs. Pharmacogenetics is the study of how people respond differently to drug therapy based upon their genetic makeup or genes, so that medications can be changed or updated if the therapeutic results aren’t apparent.

Although Pharmacogenetics is not new – it was first mentioned by a geneticist in 1957 – using pharmacogenetics tests is a new tool in managing workplace illness, accident or injury.

Pharmacogenetics testing looks at specific genes to help the patient and their doctor determine the types of medicines and dosages that may be right for that patient. Testing is a simple swab test.

OSI can manage the testing including group rates for several individuals to be tested at one time.



OSI’s professional Recovery Facilitators work closely with employees and members on their journey to wellness. More and more studies prove that the longer someone is off work, the less likely they’ll return.

That’s why our model is different: we respond with early intervention, guidance, and close but respectful contact. Where possible, we initiate a modified or gradual return to work.

That’s how Organizational Solutions can deliver the lowest durations in the industry.


Short Term Disability Claims Management

Our people make the difference!


“After recuperating from my operation, I was glad to get back to the office, to see my friends there and feel part of things. It was lonely at home, and I felt really down. And of course, it was a great relief to have my full salary back again.”

Workers’ Compensation Claim Management

Claim back what's yours.


“The amount of money some employers leave on the table for Workers’ Comp Boards is shocking,” says Organizational Solutions CEO Dr. Liz Scott. “Being fair means being assessed in the right group, and managing safety and wellness in your organization so that you pay the right amount.”

But managing Workers’ Comp can be complex, frustrating and time-consuming. Organizational Solutions is there to back you up, with expert Recovery Facilitators, paralegals and a full staff ready to go to bat for you.  


What We Do“If you don’t manage Workers’ Comp claims every day, the details can be overwhelming. The paperwork alone can take a good part of your day. And I don’t want our department to be the bad guys to our workforce.  What a relief when OSI took over, and I could get back to doing what I do best. And thanks to OSI, the Board is returning money to us!”


Today’s workforce is highly diverse, and there are more legitimate reasons than ever for leaves of absence. Employees are entitled to take unpaid leaves of absence for a chance to recharge, recover, or attend to family. 

Is your organization handling these leaves fairly, accurately, and within the guidelines and legislation of your jurisdiction? 

Are you confident you understand “evidence reasonable in the circumstances” and other requirements? Mistakes can be very costly.

Organizational Solutions will support you in setting up policies and managing details in a way that’s equitable to all through our Leaves Administration services.



Managing work-life balance

“Managing my team’s work-life balance is harder than ever, and I appreciate the considerations OSI brings to the situation. From bereavement leaves to family emergencies, I feel I’m on solid ground in dealing fairly with my staff.”

accommodation requests

The power of organizational health.


A well-designed disability management program, with the right provisions for accommodation built-in, makes excellent business sense. The right plan can also go a long way to protecting organizations against potential litigation. At its core, the duty to accommodate is about removing barriers of discrimination and providing productive opportunities for all employees.

OSI provides ad hoc adjudication and case management for at-work employees who require accommodations requested under the legislation. OSI can assist with the medical confirmation of the need for the accommodation, and the required follow up specified in the legislation.

“There has been such a shift in attendance protocols since COVID-19 and we are still trying to work out the best responses. In some short absences, we don’t ask for a doctor’s note. But what if the employee is suffering from a bigger issue, like workplace problems or mental health challenges? OSI has helped me accommodate employees without losing their loyalty and knowledge.”

OSI Delivers Exceptional Results in Disability Management

It's about organizational wellness.

Our advantage? We're 100% focused on our core business.

Workplace Absence and Disability Management.


We deliver timely return to work solutions with a unique combination of exceptional people and unwavering standards.

Here are just some of the tools we use to deliver on our promise. 

Our attendance support services promote good morale and employees retention. When OSI manages absences, you can expect:

•  improved efficiency for the organization

•  legally defensible policies and procedures

•  reduced absenteeism costs

•  improved health and well-being for your workforce

In our experience, the majority of absences are genuine. However, an OSI Recovery Facilitator can contact the employee and record the reason for the absence in our database. This helps us track the number of absences and flag any issues where an employee’s absence has become frequent or a cause for concern.

Alternatively, OSI can be notified of patterned or intermittent absence issues if it is medically related. Again, this is flagged in our database. A documented condition does not mean the individual can choose to be off whenever they please. If there is a condition precluding attendance, it is vital to have a plan in place to get well, so that on-going time off is not necessary. If there is a chronic condition, a recovery plan should be put in place and monitored for success.

We have seen a shift in some attendance protocols since COVID19, and OSI has worked closely with clients to establish new rules. In some short absences, a doctor’s note may not be necessary, but the Recovery Facilitator will determine if the absence is genuine and aligned to the client’s policies. Our Recovery Facilitators are experienced and skilled in getting to the root cause of problems; they can spot workplace issues or warning signs of mental health conditions.

The Recovery Facilitator also determines when an absence may become Short Term Disability and can begin the STD process.

Four benefits of having OSI manage absenteeism at your organization

  1. Organizational Solutions Inc will ensure strategies are in place to address absence in a way that supports a healthy workplace.
  2. We will ensure your policies and procedures meet all case law requirements, while supporting the rights of employers to establish attendance management protocols.
  3. You will be dealing with professionals. Organizational Solutions Inc. are leading experts in managing short term disability claims and workers’ compensation claims. We will help put policies and procedures in place to  address deliberate absenteeism.
  4. High visibility of our program supports morale and employee retention.


Independent Medical Exams (IMEs)

We work closely with treating physicians and specialists to ensure that appropriate treatment and return to work is a focus. However, there may be an occasional need to obtain an independent assessment or second opinion on an employee’s case and capabilities (typically less than 5% of claims). That’s when we recommend an Independent Medical Exam or IME, to get an objective assessment of an employee’s capabilities.

OSI typically offers the employer a choice of three objective providers for assessments. The employer has the opportunity to decide on the vendor of choice.

These exams are facilitated through our Preferred Network of Providers and offer another window into the applicants’ sustainable return to work.

The IME provides valuable information about an applicant’s

•  functional capabilities

•  limitations and suitability for regular work or an alternative job further treatment requirements

•  return to work status


The fees for an IME are billed to OSI who then bills the client at cost. We use our external Preferred Network of Providers for these services and we have no vested interest in the number of assessments carried out.

Assessing environmental, physical, and cognitive and work factors 

Select members of the OSI staff can examine and evaluate the demands of your organization’s occupational roles, starting with a review of job descriptions. Along with our relevant experience, this review helps us build a solid understanding of the demands of roles at your company.

We consider all factors in making adjudication, accommodation or return-to-work recommendations and work to accommodate the organization’s needs. An important consideration is the applicant’s work environment. What can physical, cognitive or environmental factors show to help us resolve the claim? Which factors have a role in sustainable return-to-work?

With our understanding of medical conditions, capabilities and working with our client contacts, we adjudicate claims based on the consideration of any accommodations. We get very positive feedback from our clients on our understanding of their workplaces.

The majority of the claims we manage are physical disabilities. They range from minor musculoskeletal injuries to debilitating conditions caused by disease. Often, the perception of the disability doesn’t match objective medical evidence. OSI has strict criteria for determining total disability and focuses on the ability and the capability to work.

Psychological claims are a significant cause of disability absences in Canada. Unfortunately, our public health system isn’t designed for prompt treatment, which can make a psychological condition worse. The good news is that OSI has the skill and training to identify and adjudicate the severity of mental health claims.

Because treatment plans are evolving, what may have been a permanent disability in the past could be treatable today. A mental health diagnosis does not always mean that an individual cannot work. There are many ways to understand and accommodate mental health conditions.

If the psychological condition is complex, we can expedite treatment within our Preferred Network of Providers. We have close working relationships with many Mental Health Specialists and view this as one of our best practices. 

Diagnosis and treatment options must be exhausted before a mental health condition is declared the source for permanent disability.

An Ergonomic Assessment by Organizational Solutions Inc. evaluates the workplace environment with your employee.

Our Health Professionals and Specialists are specifically trained, experienced, qualified, and up to date on the latest ergonomic guidelines.

We conduct an objective assessment of specific job requirements, including an interview and observation with the employee. Our detailed assessment identifies areas that could be improved and fixes the issues before they become a larger problem.

We consistently reduce costs associated with disability, absenteeism, and Workers’ Compensation for the Employer.

There are many benefits for your employees in the prevention of health issues, such as repetitive strain injuries, which can develop over time and lead to long-term disability. 

Among our Health Professionals and Specialists, are trained and experienced Ergonomic Assessors. They have the technical background to identify repetitive strain injury risks within the workplace. Our ergonomists are extremely practical in their solution generation and are always conscious of budgetary constraints, which means the client will get excellent cost-benefits on all projects.

OSI’s Assessors can conduct an objective assessment of specific job requirements, including an interview and observation with the employee.

Our detailed assessment identifies areas that could be improved and fixes the issues before they become a larger problem. Ergonomic programs must have certain essential elements to ensure the participation and acceptance of the end-users as well as the involvement and financial backing of administrators. Organizational Solutions can guide your workplace through these steps to ensure a successful and sustainable ergonomics program.

OSI’s skilled Recovery Facilitators can assist!

The employee must have objective medical evidence to demonstrate they are disabled. To ensure the right decision is made, OSI may also explore the physical and cognitive demands of the workplace and the job role.

OSI sends the Advice to Pay Report directly to the designated contact in Payroll once it has been determined that the employee is eligible, based on objective medical evidence.

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