Short Term Disability Claim Management
Organizational Solutions has time-tested processes to ensure a fair and balanced return to work for the individual and return on investment for the employer.
OSI collaborates with all stakeholders to develop the optimum return to work plan; plus, we ensure the employee receives the right care along the healing journey.
Early Intervention
Prompt support is the key to helping an employee back to work quickly and safely. It's why we reach out within 24 hours.
Short Durations
Organizational Solutions has the shortest durations in the industry, while respecting the employee's safe return.
Genuine Care
Our Recovery Facilitators have sincere empathy for others. That's what makes them the best in the business.
What makes Organizational Solutions Inc. uniquely positioned to manage short-term disability claims better than anyone else in the industry?
- Recovery Facilitators with a medical background who closely manage the case from the moment it’s reported.
- High-touch communications to keep the employee positive and moving forward in recovery and return to work.
- Proven processes and procedures to deliver a prompt, safe return to work.

What we do better than anyone else
We Collaborate to Find Solutions
Recovery Facilitators tap into their peers’ diverse expertise and experience if they need help or clarification on a case. They can also call on our physician advisors, who help with complex cases.
The Recovery Facilitator reviews all medical documentation to make sure it is complete. If needed, a qualified professional at OSI will contact the treating healthcare professionals to discuss more options for the best care and attention. This can include expedited referrals to specialists, new treatment strategies, and more.
We Challenge Ourselves to Exceed Industry Standards
The disability duration of an injury is often shorter than the healing time. For example, the disability duration for strains and sprains is 3 to 4 weeks. The healing time is 12 weeks.
Our benchmarks for time away from work are the industry’s Medical Disability Advisor (MDA) and the Presley Reed Disability Duration Guidelines (DDG). In more than 95% of cases, we can return the individual to work earlier than the DDG and MDA standards.
We Identify and Manage Red Flags
In a small number of cases, there are issues that can be identified as red flags. The employee may have the medical documentation and support to be off work, but there can be circumstances that, if not taken into consideration, could substantially prolong the claim. These are identified early, and a plan is established to remove them as barriers to recovery. OSI has a strict program in place to differentiate workplace issues from disability and ensure:
- appropriate identification of the problem
- the right treatment plan
- resolution/return to work for the individual

Our Recovery Facilitators treat employees with respect and empathy, helping them navigate the sometimes-complicated world of health care in order to get the right treatment.
We stay in close but respectful contact with every claimant to encourage a timely and safe return to work.
The strategic power of early intervention
Our programs focus on action-based, early intervention, the earlier, the better. The sooner we can intervene with the claimant, the more likely they will get the right care, recover and safely return to work.
Information gathering begins with the first phone call. Since the first goal is accurate claim adjudication, an in-depth and rigorous interview process by an experienced professional from OSI is vital.
Recovery Facilitators put proven early intervention strategies into motion as soon as they receive the notification of a claim. For non-complex injuries or illnesses, OSI will speak to the applicant and the manager and carefully examine all information with the practised eye of a trained healthcare professional.
The value of work in keeping us healthy
Working is good for our health and wellbeing. Research has demonstrated over and over that work contributes to our happiness, helps us to build confidence and self-esteem, and rewards us financially.
People at work tend to enjoy happier and healthier lives than those who are not at work. That’s why it’s important to return to work as soon as possible after an illness or injury.
Being out of work has a negative impact on your health and wellbeing. People who aren’t able to work:
- have higher rates of physical and mental health problems
- take more medication and use more medical services
- have a shorter life expectancy
Returning to work results in significant physical and mental health improvements, reversing unemployment’s negative health effects.
“Work plays a vital role in people’s lives – in their financial stability, social networks, and sense of self. That’s why our key focus is a prompt and sustainable return to work.”
Dr. Liz Scott, PhD,
Principal, Organizational Solutions Inc.